The Historische Vereniging Oud Wassenaer's upcoming event on February 19 offers a captivating journey into the mysterious world of the 'Atlantikwall and Duitse bunkers in Wassenaar'.
The Atlantikwall, a monumental defense line constructed by Nazi Germany during World War II, stretches over 5,000 kilometers along the western coast of occupied territories in Western Europe. This historical defense mechanism aimed to ward off potential Allied invasions, leaving a lasting mark on Wassenaar.
Amidst the commemorations of 80 years of Liberation, landmarks like the De Lus Liberation Monument and the Schouwweg War Memorial stand as poignant reminders of the wartime struggles and numerous sacrifices made between 1940-1945.
Despite the subtle traces of occupation in Wassenaar, scattered remnants like the renowned Command Post Clingendael and the bunker of German Reich Commissioner Seyss-Inquart still echo the wartime past. Not to forget the intriguing presence of the German bunker beneath Brasserie de Badmeester or the historical significance of sites such as Rijksdorp Bunker Complex and the Vleermuisbunker at Wassenaarse Slag.
Burgemeester Leendert de Lange, accompanied by the society's expert Kees Neisingh, will delve into the history and purpose behind these enigmatic structures on the evening of February 19, 2025.
You are cordially invited to immerse yourself in this enlightening experience on February 19 at the Vrijzinnigen NPB building located at Lange Kerkdam 46, Wassenaar. The event commences at 8:00 PM, with doors opening at 7:30 PM. Admission is free for members, while non-members are encouraged to contribute voluntarily.